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Benefits of Float Tank Therapy

Benefits of Float Tank Therapy

What Are the Benefits of Float Tanks?


What Is A Float Tank?

A float tank, also known as a floatation tank, a sensory deprivation tank, or an isolation tank, is a tank filled with 300 millimeters of Epsom salt and water heated to the bodies temperature.

The float tanks are typically soundproof and dark, creating a sensory deprivation experience while floating easily due to the high salt concentration.

The float tank is also soundproof and dark. This gives you a sensory deprivation experience while floating effortlessly from the high concentration of salt. More benefits of the epsom salt is detoxification and relief from aches and pains. Most sessions last about an hour and promote a deep meditative state. 

Benefits of Flotation Tanks

Flotation therapy isn’t just fun — it also provides a lot of health benefits, such as:

  • Relaxation
  • Migraines
  • Stress relief
  • Detoxification‌

The main benefit of using a sensory deprivation tank is to ease muscle tension and anxiety. Due to how buoyant the Epsom salt and water solution is, you can fully relax all of your muscles while floating similar to experiencing zero gravity.

Epsom salts are high in magnesium which provides stress relief and detoxification of free radicals. Studies have shown float tanks to help with migraines as well.

Free radicals are small particles that cause damage to your cells and increase inflammation, resulting in the development of conditions such as cancer and autoimmune disorders.‌

Magnesium can also improve insulin sensitivity, promote heart and bone health which in turn can help prevent diabetes.

Myths of Flotation Therapy

There are many benefits to flotation therapy, but there are also many myths. For example:

Floating doesn’t help your sleep disorders. This is false. Floating in a tank has been shown to improve a person's sleep quality. Floating puts you into a deep state of relaxation so you can deal with sleeping disorders such as insomnia, which are often the result of built-up stress, depression, and anxiety.‌

A study has shown that people participating in a seven-week-long flotation program finished the program with significantly less depression, anxiety, pain, and stress. The study found that optimism and sleep quality were drastically improved.

It’s dangerous to sleep in a float tank. False.


It’s perfectly safe to fall asleep in the tank. Some people think that sleeping in a float tank is dangerous because you could drown. The buoyancy of the Epsom salt makes it difficult for you to roll over, so you will stay on your back even if you fall asleep. The tank solution is typically 1.2 to 1.3 times denser than pool water due to Epsom salt.

Some people are also worried about experiencing altered states of consciousness while in the tank. Most people will experience profound relaxation and have altered time perception, but some may even have out-of-body experiences.

Some have found these unexpected states to be positive. In a study, participants who experienced altered states of consciousness while in the tank were also more likely to become more mindful in their daily lives.‌ Some use plant medicine in conjunction with float tanks to have the experience in an altered state. There is a growing number of people using psychedelics as a tool for personal growth and development in this capacity. While it is certainly not for everyone, some find the journey and benefits increased with altered states of consciousness. 

It’s probably best not to use a  float tank if you have the following conditions:

  • Open wounds
  • Claustrophobia
  • Contagious diseases such as gastroenteritis or diarrhea
  • Epilepsy
  • Low blood pressure
  • Kidney disease

The float tank is dirty. This is not true most of the time. Many people worry that using a float tank is dangerous since many others have used it before. In reality, flotation tanks are very clean. High salt concentrations like those used in float tanks contain sparingly few microorganisms.

While viruses can grow in high salt concentrations and pose a threat to you, owners of flotation tank businesses clean their tanks according to standards set by applicable laws and licensing bodies.‌

To minimize the risk of infection, you should wear earplugs and shower before and after the floating session. If you have cuts anywhere on your body, it may be a better idea not to float until you are fully healed.‌

Make sure to float face up when in the isolation tank so your eyes, nose, and mouth will not come in direct contact with the salt.

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